Directorate of Finance, Human Resources and Administration

  • Finance
  • Human Resources
  • Administration


Mandate of the Directorate is to provide support services to the regional council in executing its activities, programs and projects. These services include, provision and management of finance, provision and management of human resources, provision and management of administrative support, such as office space, vehicles, IT hardware and software, office equipment etc. constituency and settlement administration forms part of this directorate.

Its objectives are:

  • To ensure participatory socio-economic development and planning
  • To ensure optimal revenue collection
  • To ensure adequate and skilled human resources
  • To ensure all staff are equipped with ITC equipment
  • To enhance ICT infrastructure
  • To enhance service delivery



Mr. Benedictus Diergaardt - Director

Ms. M. Uushunga
Deputy Director:
Human Resources

Ms. C. Apollus
Deputy Director:

Ms. E. Swartz
Deputy Director: