Directorate Of Education, Arts and Culture

The Education Regional Office is situated in Keetmanshoop. After decentralisation the eduction regional office resorts under the ||Kharas Regional Council.

Regional Education is divided into 3 Circuits:
  • Kalahari Circuit (from Keetmanshoop to the Kalahari Desert)
  • Namib Circuit (from Keetmanshoop to the Namib desert)
  • !Gariep Circuit (from Keetmanshoop to the Orange River)
Overview of Education in the Region

Directorate of Education is responsible for the provision, maintenance and assurance of the equality of education for the following phases; pre-primary, primary and secondary as well as Adult Education/Lifelong Learning activities, including the provision of public/community libraries. Activities that should be closely monitored are Education for all (EFA) the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) and Vision 2030.

As members of the African Union (AU) and Southern African Development Community (SADC) we have to implement activities as set out in policy documents like; the Second Decade of Education in Africa and the SADC Protocol on Education and Training. To meet the goals set out in these programmes, we still need to address the following areas of concern:

  • Improve performance in the results of our schools
  • Increase accountability in schools for results
  • Strengthening support structures to deliver effective educational services
  • Improve infrastructural development to absorb increasing demand on educational facilities in the region
  • Provide additional teaching and learning materials
  • Provision of textbooks, desks and chairs for learners

The Directorate of Education's hope is that with the total implementation of the Education and Training Sector Improvement Program (ETSIP) some of these challenges will be addressed effectively and efficiently.



Responsive Image

Ms J. J. Mageman

Acting Regional Director Of Education, Arts and Culture

Ms J. J. Mageman

Mr. R. Assegaai
Inspector: Kalahari Circuit
P.O. Box 2119, Keetmanshoop
Tel: +264 63 225 640

Mrs. Selma Nakanyala
Inspector: !Garib Circuit
P.O. Box 53, Karasburg
Tel: +264 63 270 415

Mr. S. Shanjengange
Inspector: Namib Circuit
P.O. Box 1340, Luderitz
Tel: +264 63 20 2290